Technical Assistance for the Implementation of Support to Federal Governance Reform Programme (SUFEGOR)


Description détaillée du projet

The Overall objective of this Project is to contribute to poverty reduction in Nigeria through the promotion of public sector policy and efficiency in public service administration in order to enhance service delivery. The specific purpose of the contract is to strengthen the capacity of five federal agencies in the areas of policy coordination, planning and development, revenue administration, record management, financial management, reporting, performance monitoring and development of statistics.


Expected Results

The expected results are:

Clear definition of the roles of reforming agencies effective coordination of the reform process.

Improved capacity for policy planning and forecasting.

Availability of a comprehensive and disaggregated statistics for planning.

Preparation of the Medium Term Sector Strategy (MTSS) based approach to guide preparation of annual budgets.

Improved capacity for monitoring and evaluation of policy performance.

Public Financial Management Systems in use for accounting, recording and reporting purposes in the five beneficiary agencies of the project.

Competences and skills of personnel in accounting and ICT applications strengthened in the five beneficiary agencies.

Improved capacity to increase revenues from taxation.



Nature des services fournis

  • Support the implementation of a strategic management system as envisaged in the Public Service Reform Strategy.
  • Focus on five core MDAs providing support in the areas that are conducive to the implementation of a strategic management approach – to set-up a model of effective and efficient public management system in accordance with the expected outcomes of the National Strategy for Public Service Reform
  • Adoption of demand driven approach to ensure ownership and commitment
  • Ensure effective technical coordination of the reform process by encouraging inter-agencies coordination in critical areas such as performance management, recruitment/promotion policy, career development and functional analysis
  • Enhance overall staff capacity and ensure the sustainability of the reform process by establishing centres of excellence in reform key departments (planning, budget and finance, human resources management);
  • Provide technical expertise tasks to the five beneficiary agencies in the performance of their specific assignments under the project including: policy advisory services, transfer of knowledge and skills, building technical capacities of personnel of the beneficiary agencies through mentoring, coaching or training; planning, monitoring and reporting on project components, procurement, and financial management

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